Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Happiness: The science behind your smile

One of my new years resolutions was to read two books per month, retired and all I figured it was a reasonable goal. I'm on pace thus far as I read both "The Monk and the Riddle" by Randy Komisar and "Happiness: The Science behind your smile" by Daniel Nettle. The latter was a better read, very intriguing facts and theories about Happiness. I've become passionate about learning and understanding all aspects of happiness. Which is one of the main purposes of life that all humans pursue. I highly recommend reading this book, it will definitely change your outlook on life. Here are the most intriguing points I learned from this book:
  • Writing down your thoughts and reflecting more often, whether negative or positive has been proven to improve your mental well-being as well as your immune system. (which is why I started this blog :)
  • We often spend most of our time doing and striving for things we think we want and will make us happy (such as money) but in fact only provide temporary pleasure and not lasting happiness. Thus it is important for us to understand exactly what makes us happy.
  • There are many non-drug remedies to treat depression and other 'mental disorders' that do the exact same thing chemically that the anti-depressants do and have positive side effects! (Anti-depressants are like band aids with bacteria on them; They cover the wounds so they look fine, but once you remove the band aid, you'll discover that the band aid actually made the wound worse.)
  • Feeling down? Even if you're happy here are a few things we should all do: 1. EXERCISE. if exercise came in pill form it would be the highest selling drug in the world. 30 minutes of exercise everyday will make you happier, smarter, less stressed and healthier. 2. Make a list of all the activities you do that make you the happiest (being with family/friends, traveling, sports, etc.). Make a goal to do at least one of these activities everyday. 3. Understand your thoughts, positive and more importantly the negative. Our negative thoughts (worry, fear, stress, guilt, shame, anger, etc.) are innate in us dating back to our fight or flight survival days. Negative thoughts were installed in our mind through evolution to protect us from predators and danger. Thus they tend to resonate in our minds excessively and grow quickly once they enter the mind. It is important for us to be aware of them, and recognize the often irrational negative thoughts. Positive thinking can counter these thoughts and improve your health and happiness.
I'm so passionate about these issues that I'd like to write a book and create a happiness program someday. For reasons near and dear to my heart, my ultimate goal is to create a non-drug prescription that doctors can prescribe to people with depression and other 'mental disorders'.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Welcome to my minds planet

I think a lot. Probably too much. (But they're mostly positive thoughts :) Some say that meditating and clearing your mind of all thoughts can be the most mentally rewarding thing you can do. Thus I do attempt to meditate daily, and live in the present as much as possible. Since that is currently only 15 minutes out of the day, I'm retired and my writing skills need a reboot, I figured I'd start a blog to document my mind's thoughts. Plus Kat and I have some exciting adventures ahead of us that are gonna need a place to live on the web.

As for the name "KG's Manifesto", it stems from Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto. (and I was named after Karl Marx. haha. its true.) KG stands for two things, Khavari-Gusner and me. So welcome to my manifesto and the Khavari-Gusner adventure manifesto.

Read at your own risk. Don't blame me when you decide to quit your job, follow your passions, explore the world, and do that one thing you've always wanted to do. Don't blame me for your elated happiness afterwards either. Haha. Enjoy the paintings of my mind. I'll leave you with one of my favorite quotes:

"twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. so throw off the bowlines. sail away from the safe harbor. catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

"there is no way to happiness, happiness is the way" -Thich Nhat Hanh